Sunday, January 17, 2016

Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Normal Class Schedule today

Married Coretta at age 24
Became a pastor when he was 25
Dr. MLK Jr Delivered "I Have a Dream" speech at age 34
He was assassinated at age 39.

The WOD:
24 Shoulder Press (40% of your 1 rep max) try to make it one set
25 Front Squat (40% of your 1 rep max) try to make it one set
34 Deadlifts (40% of your 1 rep max) try to make it one set
39 GHDs (please break these up! AT LEAST 3 sets!

For time:
2 Rounds for time:
24 Burpees (clap above your head with arms extended or do not call it a rep)
25 Box Jumps (24"/20")
34 Wall Ball Shots (20#/14#)
39 Ab-Mat Sit-ups (no GHDs. Soles of your feet together, knees apart. Touch your toes)

*We're naming this Coretta because CrossFit Workouts are named after women. These numbers are based on his life, but I'm willing to bet she played a significant role in all that he was able to accomplish in his very short life.

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