4 rounds for technique:
7 Push Press (70% of 1 rep max)
8 Feet Elevated Push-ups (24"/20")
12 Chest to Bar Pull-up (or strict with band)
Food for thought:
"Passivity is the compulsion to try to get what we are desperately longing for, while doing all the wrong things, or nothing to get it. This should not be confused with patience, which is knowing something worth waiting for is just around the corner-- and taking appropriate steps to get closer to it. The passive person waits and waits. Passive waiting is about letting hope die by withdrawing and not taking effective action. This waiting has to stop."
-John Lee,
The Anger Solution
Possible Translations according to me:
Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out to meet it.
You mustn't be disappointed by the results you didn't get, from the work you didn't do.
Action! Goals are achieved by taking steps toward the goal. The steps you take literally is progress. Small progress over time leads to amazing achievements in the future. Each of us have goals that are important to us. Some of these goals may seem further off, and easier to consider accomplishing later. Join me in making a commitment to ourselves. Today we start, and each day we continue. We find the right path, and when there isn't one, we take a machete to the jungle of excuses and hardships and carve a road that others can follow.
Excellence is in each of us. Together we can support one another's goals. Nothing is unattainable!
Lets start a great week! See you at the box!